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Here's what we recommend:
For First Time Customers
Starter Pack
The Starter Pack includes everything you need to perform 50 extractions including the SmartLid Shaker and Rack for simultaneous processing of 12 sample at a time.
SmartLid Starter Kit
12 reusable SmartLid magnetic keys
Magnetic beads
Lysis buffer
Wash buffer
Elution buffer
50 SmartLids
150 2 mL flip-top tubes
SmartLid Shaker
Smartlid Rack
For Repeat Customers

Refill Kit
The Refill Kit allows you to perform 50 extractions with your re-usable magnetic keys and accessories from your previously purchased starter kit.
Smartlid Refill Kit
Magnetic beads
Lysis buffer
Wash buffer
Elution buffer
50 SmartLids
150 2 mL flip-top tubes
Does Not include:
Magnetic Keys or accessories
If you would like to purchase by PO:
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