Thursday, January 23rd 2025
Join us at the Festival of Genomics & Biodata 2025
ProtonDx will be an exhibitor at London’s Festival of Genomics & Biodata, the UK’s largest life sciences event, in London this month.

London UK, January 23rd, 2025 - We’re excited to announce that ProtonDx will exhibit at London’s Festival of Genomics & Biodata, the UK’s largest life sciences event, in London on the 29th and 30th January.
This event, which will include over 7,000 registrants, 300 speakers, and 15 theatres of presentations, is the ideal opportunity to explore innovative advances in genomics, diagnostics, and biodata.
Paul Docherty and Aaron Shellard from ProtonDx will showcase our rapid and versatile molecular diagnostic and nucleic acid extraction solutions, designed to transform pathogen genomics, diagnostics, and sequencing workflows.
We’ll also visit the Bacteria, Bugs, and Big Data Stage, where experts, including UKHSA’s Susan Hopkins, genomic surveillance expert David Aanensen, and our Imperial colleague Elita Jauneikaite, will discuss the role of pathogen genomics in public health.
We look forward to connecting with researchers, healthcare professionals, and the genomics and biodata community to discuss these fields' latest innovations and challenges.
Register now - it’s free for those in research, pharma, charities, or the NHS.